USER AGREEMENT: Policies and Procedures
The rules and regulations set forth below have been adopted to assure compliance with current federal, state and municipal laws and regulations governing the availability and use of Vidwest Studios and the public access channel.
Vidwest operates as a service to the community and in fulfillment of Vidwest’s goals. Any person who lives, works, or belongs to a group in Boone County, Missouri may join Vidwest, upon completion of a Membership Form. All requests will be reviewed on a first-come, first-serve, non-discriminatory basis. Vidwest does not discriminate against individuals on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion or lack there of, disability, age, veteran status, ancestry, or national or ethnic origin. All access use is subject to the availability of time, staff and facilities.
Vidwest reserves the right to refuse facility use to anyone reasonably suspected of being under the influence of alcohol or any disabling drug. Vidwest also reserves the right to refuse facility use to anyone who is disruptive, fails to disclose the offensive nature of their programming, is rude with staff or patrons, abuses the equipment or fails to return equipment on time. Any use, which is disruptive to operations, may be refused or revoked. Because revocation of access privileges is such a significant loss of the right to free speech, any decision by Vidwest staff may be appealed in writing to the Board of Vidwest for review. The Board’s decision will be final.
Vidwest members have access to the following hands-on training sessions:
Studio Tour
Prerequisite to direct a Vidwest studio shoot.
Gear Orientation
Prerequisite to check out Vidwest equipment.
Post Production Overview
Prerequisite to use Vidwest editing computers.
Members may be “tested out” of a training session by Vidwest staff.
Channel Time
Vidwest members have access to channel time, by emailing
Program time slots are scheduled by Vidwest volunteers with the goal of presenting a schedule that builds an audience, contains program diversity, and serves the community. Vidwest will try to accommodate requests for specific time slots whenever possible. However, no individual or organization may present more than six hours of programming per week except for programming initiated by Vidwest.
The following Program scheduling priorities will apply: 1) Locally produced programs have first scheduling priority, followed by programs produced elsewhere. 2) Specialized programs of community interest OR time sensitive programs that must be presented in a given window of time have priority over other programs. Programs should have 3 seconds of black at the beginning and end. For a half hour time slot, total running time may not exceed 29:15. For an hour time slot, total running time may not exceed 59:15.
Equipment & Facilities
Vidwest members have access to Vidwest equipment and facilities upon completion of any necessary training orientations and a reservation request. A Vidwest member is responsible for gear and/or space reserved in their name. Reservations can be made at
Use of the access facilities (e.g., studio, equipment, personnel and other technical resources) can be for any purpose (personal, civic, or commercial). The producer/provider agrees that Vidwest has the right to share material made at the studio for community outreach, education, and documentation. This includes behind the scenes material shot by Vidwest staff.
Members using Vidwest equipment and facilities must make sure that their reservations begin and end as scheduled. No member starting early or late will be allowed to interfere with the overall reservation schedule. Members are responsible for the condition and safe return of all equipment and facilities. No food or drink is allowed in the Studios. A Vidwest staff member or designated volunteer must be present during all studio productions.
In the absence of any legal agreement to the contrary, all program rights belong to the program’s Producer/Provider.
Any version of a program produced with Vidwest equipment/facilities must have the following acknowledgement in the credits: “This program was produced with the assistance of Vidwest facilities in Columbia, Missouri. The views and opinions of the program are solely those of the creator.”
Programs will be submitted in one of the following formats: .mov or .mp4. Producers/Providers must supply their own. Vidwest maintains a live webstream of its cablecast on Twitch. Vidwest has the right to retain and retransmit programs at its sole discretion.
Vidwest will allow great latitude with respect to freedom of speech. However, all programming shall be consistent with legal constraints and community standards. No part of any program shall contain obscene or defamatory material.
Programs will not be rejected because they are controversial. Vidwest does not attempt to verify the accuracy or lack of bias in the programming it carries, nor does Vidwest attempt to achieve a balance in regards to any issue, faith, or ideology. Vidwest does not censor programs before transmission. The producer of each program is exercising her/his first amendment right to free speech and is solely responsible for the program and content. By becoming a Vidwest member the Producer/Provider accepts all responsibility and any associated liability for the content of the program. Programs that do not meet these standards may not be shown. Reference to Section 611 (E) and Section 639 of the Cable Communications Policy Act of 1984 & 1992.
The Producer/Provider must obtain all talent releases, copyright authorizations and other necessary licenses or approvals. The Producer/Provider accepts sole liability for not obtaining the necessary releases and approvals. Programs that do not have all talent releases, copyright authorizations and other necessary licenses or approvals may not be shown.
When taping any children under the age of 18, Producers need the permission from each child’s parent or legal guardian, with the exception of public events such as school concerts, sporting events, plays, etc. All access producers are responsible for adhering to all applicable federal, state and local regulations concerning limits of public speech and television programming content.
Underwriting of programs is allowed, but recognition is limited to the logo, name, website address, street address, and phone number of the individual or company. Commercial products or services may not be represented. Underwriting credits are limited to no more than 30 seconds for a 1/2 hour program, 60 seconds for an hour-long program. Reference to FCC regulation 76.221 sections A&E.
Candidates for political office will be accommodated through candidate forums. Non-profit organizations may sponsor candidate forums, providing written notification of all candidates 30 days prior to the forum. Any appearances by political candidates in other Vidwest programming are acceptable providing they are not advocating their candidacy or criticizing the opposing candidate or party. (The Communications Act of 1934, specifically the “equal time ruling” does not apply to access television).
No program shall be transmitted over the community access channels which contains a lottery or information promoting any device, scheme, plan, promotion, or other program and/or presentation which involves directly or indirectly the elements of a prize, chance and/or consideration of money or a thing of value. Game shows and other forms of popular entertainment are permitted. Reference Section 76.213 of the rules of the FCC. Vidwest will not transmit programs that are obscene or pornographic under Federal or Missouri law. A program that contains any of the following will be considered “Generally Offensive to some audiences” and be scheduled in an 11 pm to 5 am time period.
A. Language
1. Slang, vulgar or colloquial expression which refers, in the context in which it is used, to sexual intercourse, masturbation, anal or oral sexual contact, to human genitals, or to human elimination.
2. Abusive language against men or women, ethnic groups, religiousgroups, sexual orientation, or persons with disabilities.
B. Violence
1. Extreme acts of violence.
2. Depictions of extreme violent acts in dramatic and/or poetic manner.
C. Graphic Images
1. Human or animal elimination and/or mutilation.
2. Graphic medical surgical procedures.
3. Abuse against men or women, ethnic groups, religious groups, sexual
orientation, or persons with disabilities.
4. Lascivious nudity.
Sexual Harassment Policy
Vidwest prohibits sexual harassment of its employees, volunteers, members and affiliates by any employee or non-employee, such as a volunteer or member. Such conduct may result in disciplinary action up to and including discharge, termination of membership, or requesting that a volunteer no longer participate in any Vidwest activities. This policy covers all employees, members and volunteers. Vidwest will not tolerate, condone or allow sexual harassment, whether engaged in by fellow employees, supervisors, associates, clients, members, volunteers or other non-employees who conduct business with Vidwest. Sexual harassment is any behavior that includes unwelcome sexual advances and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. If you feel that you are the subject of or been subjected to sexual harassment by anyone while engaging in Vidwest activities, please report any such incident to any member of the Vidwest staff or member of the Vidwest Board of Directors immediately, so that such incident can be investigated and an appropriate response taken.